Active Adults and Wellness Awareness

Posted: August, 19, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized


August is National Wellness Month, during which individuals reflect on and balance their total wellness for a healthier, more satisfying life.

“Wellness” goes beyond staying active and eating well. According to the National Wellness Institute, there are Six Dimensions of Wellness on which we need to focus to achieve a happy, healthy lifestyle.

These include:


Physical Wellness

Body-Mind awareness that includes physical movement, diet and hydration, sleep, and a nourishing environment. A home that meets our physical needs, including space to relax and feel at-ease, is an important component of Physical Wellness.


Emotional Wellness

Self-awareness, maintaining a positive outlook, and resilience - “bouncing back” after a disappointment or loss indicate wellness in this dimension. Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries, and the ability to relax, are significant to Emotional Wellness.


Vocational Wellness

Satisfaction in one’s work environment, having a purpose, and mastering a skill, all contribute to this area of wellness. Even in retirement or shifting your work experience, you achieve Vocational Wellness when you have the drive to succeed at something, or feel fulfilled in completing a task.


Intellectual Wellness

Education, learning, and adapting all contribute to this dimension of overall wellness. Maintaining curiosity, interacting with people who have different experiences, and reading about things to expand our knowledge, help us achieve Intellectual Wellness.


Spiritual Wellness

Having a “higher purpose,” being connected to others on a global scale, and practicing generosity are the key facets to this aspect of wellness. Meditation, prayer, volunteering in the community, even creating something – art, gardening, etc. - contribute to our Spiritual Wellness.


Social Wellness

Authenticity, maintaining relationships that are rewarding, and being involved in the community, all nourish this dimension of our overall wellness. A community in which one feels welcome, can carry on conversations, and feel confident of support in good times and bad, are important components of our Spiritual Wellness.


Every Windsong home and community includes the Six Dimensions of Wellness, built right in. We may not call it out all the time, but it’s evident in a lifestyle that is relaxing, fulfilling, and satisfying for each homeowner, who finds themselves surrounded by a supportive community of individuals who both share similar life experiences, and have plenty of knowledge to share.

Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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