Active Adults Begin A New Adventure in 2022
Posted: January, 6, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized
This year, be structured enough for success and achievement, and flexible enough for creativity and fun! ~ Taylor Duval
Happy New Year, everyone!
It doesn’t matter if you stayed up to watch the ball drop in Times Square, or the Peach Drop in Atlanta – or simply watched the time on your digital clock change from 11:59 to 12:00… or if you went to bed at your regular time and woke up to the 70-degree weather that greeted us on Saturday morning; a new year fills us with feelings of hope, as we make plans for how we’re going to spend the next 365 days.
Making New Year’s resolutions has been a tradition for as far back as any of us can remember. Popular resolutions include losing weight, going to the gym, drinking more water, quitting smoking, getting more sleep, saving money, spending time with family/friends, getting organized, taking up a hobby, and learning something new.
The thing about resolutions is that we set the bar really high, and often become discouraged, either changing our focus or abandoning the resolution entirely before we make much progress at all. Research reveals that nearly 25 percent of people abandon their resolutions after just one week, and fewer than 50% of resolution-setters are still on track halfway through the year.
What makes for a successful New Year’s Resolution? Experts recommend these tips for achieving better results:
- Choose a specific goal that is both reasonable and measurable. Write down your goal, share it with an accountability partner, or post your goal where you see it every day, then chart your progress to stay motivated.
- Instead of going from “couch potato” to “full marathon,” take baby steps. If you’re trying to change a habit, it’s better to warm up into it than to make yourself miserable by setting goals that are too lofty on Day One.
- Be patient with yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and old habits are not changed overnight.
- Make room for FUN. Reward yourself for sticking with your resolution one week, one month, three months, etc. You’re more likely to achieve better results if you enjoy the process, rather than feeling like you’re punishing yourself.
Resolutions are easier to keep if you’re feeling relaxed, happy, and fulfilled. With homes designed for ease of living, carefree entertaining, and enjoyment in everyday life; communities in desired locations with easy access to shopping, dining, entertainment, and travel routes; and opportunities for forging friendships as one of the top features, Windsong homeowners find it easier to set – and achieve – goals to live their best lives.
Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!
By Windsong