Active Adults Celebrate Earth Day 2018

Posted: April, 17, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized

Throughout north Georgia, individuals and groups are invited to participate in community service projects through organizations including Adopt-A-Stream, Park Pride, Trees Atlanta, and more (visit for more information).

Adopt-A-Stream invites volunteers to commit to one year of keeping a specified section of a stream or waterway free of trash and debris, to ensure the safety of visitors and the health of wildlife who live in and around the streams.

Park Pride organizers invite volunteers to spend a few hours “picking up” at a specified park, to maintain the natural beauty and ensure safety for human visitors and the plant and animal residents of the parks.

Trees Atlanta provides all of the gloves, tools, and maintenance equipment for volunteers to prune, replace soil, plant, and maintain trees in and around Atlanta (a designated Tree City, with 36% of its area covered in trees).

This year, Earth Day is focused on End Plastic Pollution, encouraging citizens to choose alternatives to plastic shopping bags, disposable water bottles, cutlery, drinking straws, and other disposable plastics, which negatively impact individuals’ health as well as the environment.

For those who prefer to observe Earth Day every day, closer to home, it is becoming easier to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle, by following these and other suggestions:

  • Consume less meat and more vegetables
  • Shop local whenever possible
  • Recycle
  • Use canvas bags rather than plastic when you shop
  • Use eco-friendly lightbulbs (compact fluorescent, or CFL, which last 5x longer than traditional bulbs)
  • Set your thermostat higher in summer and lower in winter
  • Wash clothes in cold water (heating water requires the most energy when laundering clothes)
  • Unplug appliances and phone/personal device cords when not in use
  • Use water filters rather than purchasing bottled water


Windsong homeowners are already eco-friendly, with energy efficient windows, durable siding, and a host of systems in place to ensure maximum efficiency without sacrificing comfort or luxury, such as windows that provide natural light, programmable thermostats, high-performing insulation, and more.

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