Active Adults Celebrate the Holidays
Posted: December, 16, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized
Whether you spin the dreidel or deck the halls (or have a different tradition entirely), the holidays look and feel a little different this year, but that doesn’t mean we have to forego celebrations altogether, it simply means that we have to be creative - and that’s something that Windsong is great at inspiring!
Holiday Decor
If your tradition involves having friends, adult children, and grandchildren over to deck every hall and bake every goody, and the thought of decorating the house this year leaves you feeling overwhelmed or drained, this might be a good year to have just a small tree and use only the ornaments that have deep meaning for you. Or display one ornament for each person with whom you usually spend the holidays. Or maybe skip the tree and opt for a rosemary bush or other potted plant that you can use elsewhere in your home after the holidays are over.
Including Family
Display photographs – or holiday cards – of each family member throughout your home, including in places you don’t normally have frames:
- Hang a string around the windows and clip photographs or cards to it at varying heights.
- Create a collage of family members posing with cookies or holiday dishes in the kitchen, with “sticky putty” on cabinet or pantry doors.
- Temporarily replace regular photographs or artwork with images of family members in special places in your home.
Plan a video conference call (Zoom, Google, Skype) while decorating, cooking a meal, or opening gifts, allowing the family to be “together” without leaving home.
Singing holiday songs together in the community allows each person to feel connected while maintaining personal distance recommendations. (Bonus: being outside is good for your health!)
Candles & Lights
Light your candles each evening and use the time to write letters or postcards, journal, or pore over a photo album and record memories of holidays past.
However you decide to safely celebrate this year, remember the Perry Como classic, “There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays.” And no place is that more true than in each Windsong home and community, where you enjoy your dream home every day of the year.
Welcome to Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!
By Windsong