Active Adults Favor Treats (Not Tricks)
Posted: October, 31, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized
Active Adults Favor Treats (Not Tricks)
A Boomer Poem
As daylight grows shorter and chilly nights stretch
And onto the sidewalks, leafless tree shadows are etched,
Active Adults put their courtyard gardens to bed
And snuggle before the fire with books to be read.
Closets are swapped out, warm-weather outfits for cool,
Closed-toe shoes are - for this season - the rule.
Cocoa and hot tea replace iced lemonade, while
Chili in the bubbling Instant Pot is made.
Each room undergoes seasonal transformation
Elated to decorate for fall-winter celebrations,
Exorcising summer hues, introducing fall themes,
Expecting to sweat in fall’s temperature extremes.
Grass hibernating in new shades of brown
Garnishes of leaves litter streets all over town;
Grandkids get excited to dress up in costume,
Gleefully leaving candy wrappers in every room.
Inside the temperatures stay nice and consistent
In spite of the outdoors, where that’s non-existent!
Into autumn’s festivals we happily proceed
Inspired to donate to non-profits in need.
Keeping time is a challenge (when do the clocks change?)
Kindling relationships with new friends we’ve made.
Knocking on doors, bundled up for a walk,
Knitted gloves in our pockets for a stroll ‘round the block.
Making due with limited hours after Daylight Saving,
Merrily lighting candles, their orange flames waving;
Might we travel to see family for Thanksgiving Day?
Maybe at home with our new friends we’ll stay!
October is nearly behind us at last
Onto holiday season! (It came so fast!)
Obeying traditions, we buy stamps and cards, and
Open boxes of decorations to display in our yards.
Reminders of when we had children at home
Round pumpkins display grins like vegetable gnomes,
Revisiting the sweet tooth with Halloween candy
Refilling the bucket (isn’t that handy?)
Tricks are for children this All Hallows season
They relish the unexpected for some unknown reason.
Though they amuse us and fill us with pride and joy
Treats are better for us Active Adult girls and boys.
We live in a place where treats are heaped on us each day
Where we chose to live every day is a holiday!
We made the right decision, this life filled with ease -
Welcome to Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!
By Windsong