Active Adults: Get Ready to READ!
Posted: December, 15, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized
If you’ve never been part of a book club, your idea of the gathering may include a room full of intellectuals who discuss the obscure meanings of a tome from metaphors to word choice. The truth is, modern book clubs are social communities in which members feel included, intelligent, and inspired, and deep friendships often are forged over the shared love of a certain genre, author, or title.
Windsong communities – especially in winter – are the perfect places to start a book club, or recruit members to an existing group.
What’s In A Name?
Not every book club has a formal “name,” but calling your group something serves several purposes:
- A name sets your group apart if there is more than one book club in the community
- The club’s name often denotes what genre or subject drives the title selections and discussions
- The name often reflects the personalities and interests – outside of books – of the members (Wine, Women & Books, for example, or Bios About Boomers)
What’s the Format?
Clubs may choose a single genre as their focus: one club I belong to, for example, prefers non-fiction books with an eye to self-improvement or business growth.
Or, they may provide an “open format,” allowing each member to choose their own title to discuss, based on a common theme. Another club whose meetings I’ve attended offers a topic (food, art, and travel have been recent selections), and each member reads and discusses a book that fits that category – even loosely.
How Does Membership Work?
Membership size is often determined by the available space. If meeting in a library, for example, your group may have twenty or more members. In a private home, ten or so may be the maximum number for a comfortable meeting.
A Windsong clubhouse is the perfect place to host book club meetings, allowing for a larger membership in a central location within the community.
How Often Do We Meet?
There’s no set rule for meeting frequency. During the winter, perhaps you’ll meet once or twice a month. During the “travel seasons,” perhaps once a month or every other month.
Set dates in advance (and try to choose titles or topics a few months out), so members can plan ahead if they are interested in taking part.
How Are Books Selected?
Bibliophiles (lovers of books) usually have favorite genres, authors, and individual books, which they are often eager to share with others. Many clubs begin because someone shared a book suggestion with one or more friends or acquaintances, and the ensuing discussion spurred the inception of a club.
When selecting books (or subjects), referring to the New York Times Bestseller List, local library selections, or the “Staff Picks” selections at your local independent bookstore are great sources.
Windsong communities provide the perfect setting for a book club social group, drawing from neighbors who share similar life-stage experiences and who often relocate to the community at the same time.
Heat a cup of tea, select a cozy chair, and open your favorite book to share with your (book club) neighbors. And Welcome to Windsong – Where Life's A Breeze!
By Windsong