Active Adults Make Excellent Neighbors
Posted: September, 26, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized
A Boomer Poem, inspired by Good Neighbor Day, September 28, 2019
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood
These words precede a smile
Spoken with a gentle voice
Who invited us to stay for a while.
Perhaps that’s the idyllic goal
For the lives we aspire to live
A community becomes a neighborhood
When a smile is something we give.
Neighborliness goes beyond that, though
It includes people who interact
Who treat their neighbors with respect
And in turn are respected right back.
It’s beyond a matter of geography -
A kinship brought on by address
Being a neighbor invites conversations
Part of the building-friendships process.
Neighbors have something in common
A reason for the homes that they choose
The desire for something beautiful
When they found the right place, they just knew.
It goes beyond roofs and front porches
Beyond cabinets, windows, and floors
The feeling of Home is intangible
It’s the buildings, the people, and more.
Sure, every house has some things in common
They’ve been built from things we can touch
But the people are what build a neighborhood
With their hobbies and choices and such.
That’s why the fourth Sunday in September
We celebrate Good Neighbor Day
Wrapping up the month of being our best selves
With the people who help make us that way.
Good neighbors are truly good fortune
Part of living with joy and with ease
They’re the heart of every home built
By Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!
By Windsong