Active Adults Meet – And Make – Great Neighbors

Posted: September, 20, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized


If you’re like many of the folks who have recently moved into their new home in a Windsong community, one of your top priorities is meeting your neighbors. After all, aside from right-sizing your home, and being close to family, having neighbors who share similar life experiences ranks near the top for reasons people purchase in an Active Adult community.

Throughout our lives, we’ve had experiences with neighbors: there are the “friendly wave” neighbors, the “mailbox chat” neighbors, the “parents of our kids’ friends” neighbors, and the “invite them to dinner” neighbors, to name a few. (You’ve also likely had the “borrow-the-hedge-trimmer” neighbors, but you don’t need such things at Windsong, where yard maintenance tools don’t clutter the garage).

Because friendships are easier to forge when you have something in common to talk about, Windsong designs each community with features that foster the introductory “friendly wave,” with welcoming front porches perfect for sipping lemonade while relaxing in your Adirondack chair, and wide sidewalks that invite stroll-takers and power-walkers alike to cruise by your house. The “something in common” comes from having the wisdom to purchase a carefree home in a community convenient to shopping and dining, while feeling like a vacation getaway.

It isn’t long before the mailbox chatters invite one another to dinner, Book Club, Bunco, or Movie Night. Since each Windsong home features great outdoor living space (or “garden oasis,” whichever you prefer), gatherings can grow to include more of the folks nearby who just happen to share your good taste in the luxury lifestyle.

And we’ll bet you didn’t know that there’s even a holiday (okay, an observance) that celebrates these neighborly friendships. In 2003, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution making September 28 Good Neighbor Day (previously celebrated on the fourth Sunday in September).

If you haven’t already met your neighbors, this holiday would be the perfect excuse to introduce yourself and learn more about the folks around you who, like you, chose to call Windsong home.

Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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