Active Adults Optimize Life with Organization

Posted: January, 24, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized


Now that you’ve moved into your Windsong home, chances are you’ve discovered that there are things you might need to part with, or at least figure out what to do with, in your new space.

Before you unpack those boxes, or stash them in the attic, consider these tips from a local Certified Professional Organizer:


Photographs – Consider “digitizing” your printed photos and storing them in the cloud. Companies, including Heritage Makers and EverPresent, enable you to scan photos, store them digitally, and create prints, scrapbooks, and more, if desired.

Your Children’s Stuff – It’s about time to call the kids and suggest they find a place for those trophies, jerseys, yearbooks, and other mementos in their own homes.

Closets – if you haven’t worn it in a year, it’s time to toss it or donate it (depending on the condition). If you have a sentimental attachment to an item of clothing, take a photograph (digitally, of course) and clear some space for the things you wear most often.

Kitchen Tools – That salad spinner seemed so necessary when you bought it. What about all of those plastic containers whose lids you can’t seem to find (or the lids that don’t match any of your containers)? Go through your kitchen and donate any duplicate items that you know you won’t need. Same goes for items you bought and used once or twice. Just like decluttering your closet, if you haven’t used a kitchen item for a year or more, it’s just taking up space.

Books – Classics, signed copies, and first-editions are often worth keeping, and we all have that novel or series we just love to re-read on a rainy day. If you have books that you know you’ll never read again (that box of old paperbacks?), donate them to your local library, shelter, or Little Free Library, and give someone else the gift of some great stories.

Yard Equipment – Keep the shovels, trowels, and such, for your courtyard and container gardens, but there’s no reason to have a lawnmower or extension ladder when you live in a home and community where landscape maintenance is handled through your Homeowners Association.


If you need help clearing the clutter, contact a Certified Professional Organizer through the National Association of Professional Organizer’s website. They are trained to help you clear the clutter and love the space in which you live.

Each Windsong home has plenty of space to use, display, and store the items you love and want to live with. Large, two-car garages have plenty of space for hobby equipment and storage, as do attic spaces that are accessible by permanent stairs (not pull-down ladders). Flexible living spaces serve as guest rooms, offices, and display rooms for your beloved collectibles. Ample wall space means you can hang your favorite artwork, or switch out pieces depending on the seasons.

Organized living makes it easier to enjoy a simplified lifestyle. Welcome to Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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