Active Adults Prepare to PLANT!

Posted: April, 12, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized


Although the weather has been frustrating this year, April 15 is our official “last day of frost risk” in north Georgia, which means it’s safe to begin setting out certain plants in your courtyard garden.

For flower gardeners, now is the time to plant cannas, daylilies, hosta, and caladium, whose bulbs and tubers need warm ground temperatures to thrive and produce their show-stopping blooms and foliage throughout the summer.

Local nurseries (including Ladyslipper Native Plant Nursery and Autumn Hill Nursery, both in Woodstock), recommend waiting to set out hot-weather blooms such as the popular Miss Huff Lantana, until the first of May. But they are currently selling begonias, marigolds, cosmos, and geraniums to plant in garden beds and containers.

Cold-hardy vegetables, including spinach, lettuce, and broccoli, will produce a harvest before summer’s heat, if you plant seeds directly in the garden beds now. Because the nights are still a little chilly and can harm tender young plants, it’s best to wait until the first of May to plant tomatoes, cucumbers, and herbs that have already sprouted.

If you simply cannot wait to work in the garden, one solution is to take stock of your gardening tools. Clean last year’s spades, trowels, and rakes; sharpen the pruners; and repair or replace any damaged tools. While you’re at it, treat yourself to a new pair of gardening gloves, and pull any weeds from the beds you’ve prepared for this year’s plants.

Outdoor living spaces are a Windsong specialty. Front porches, courtyards, and wide sidewalks encourage homeowners to spend time outdoors, meet their neighbors, and host gatherings and al fresco dinner parties.

Several Windsong communities have hosted “courtyard crawl” parties over the years, which may be as simple as a tour from house to house, or include a progressive lunch or dinner, highlighting the skills Windsong homeowners have to transform porches, patios, and courtyards into elegant extensions of their luxury homes.

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