Active Adults See Big Benefits In “Not-So-Big” Living

Posted: June, 19, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized


Ask any Active Adult what they dream for their future, and you’ll likely hear one of these answers:

  • “To spend more time with friends and family.”
  • “To have more time to pursue hobbies and interests.”
  • “To spend time traveling."

Do you see the common theme in these answers? It’s “more TIME.”

Rarely do you hear someone say their wish is “to accumulate more stuff.” In fact, the opposite is often true: Active Adults wish to “right-size” their homes and their lifestyles so that they can better enjoy their lives.

Adopting a minimalist lifestyle has many benefits, according to health, wellness, and financial experts.

Financial Benefits

By choosing a “not-so-big” lifestyle, you spend less on things that may bring instant gratification but result in long-term debt. Funds are then available for medical expenses and emergencies, but also for experiences, such as a vacation, class, or concert.

Enjoyment Benefits

Dr. Thomas Gilovich, psychology professor at Cornell University, conducted a 20-year study on the impact spending has on happiness. He found that it is experiences, not stuff, that makes us happier, especially experiences with other people, or those that help define who we are.

Mental Benefits

According to Mindfulmazing creator Tina Williamson, an abundance of material possessions leads to anxiety, as we fear losing the things we have accumulated. Less stuff means less stress, according to her philosophy.

Health Benefits

“Keeping up with the Joneses” increases stress, which lowers our immune systems. Maintaining the stuff – organizing, cleaning, etc. - is stressful. By reducing what we have, we are able to lower our anxiety levels, allowing us to better focus on health and well-being (rather than comparing our latest acquisition to that of the neighbors).

Time Benefits

Those who have successfully embraced the minimalist lifestyle report that they use their “found time” to focus on the things that really matter to them, like family, friends, and hobbies.

The Not-So-Big Life

Author and architect Sarah Susanka embraces these tenets herself, which she discusses in her “Not-So-Big Life” book series. “We redesign our lives so we can actually show up in them,” she says.

At Windsong, we design and build homes and communities that enable Active Adults to find the time to enjoy friends, family, hobbies and interests. Each Windsong home features rooms with multiple purposes – like a study that doubles as a guest room, and an outdoor patio that expands living, dining, and entertainment space. We build in areas close to where our home buyers’ grown children and grandchildren live, making family time easier to coordinate. And easy access to travel routes, golf courses, lakes, museums, theaters, and restaurants mean pursuing hobbies, interests, and travel opportunities are done with ease, as well.

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