Active Adults Welcome Daylight Saving Time

Posted: March, 6, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized

Active Adults Welcome Daylight Saving Time

(A Boomer Poem)


This year with all its record rainfalls

Leaves us with the question

Will we ever see the sun again?

We wish for its egression.


We feel like Winter’s dragging on

Cloud-filled dark days depress us

We crave the longer days of light

Spring and Summer hours impress us.


And just when it feels all hope is lost

For the longer days we’re craving

Along comes the second Sunday in March -

The start of Daylight Saving!


We set the clocks ahead an hour

So mornings are dark for a time

But daylight extends into the evening

Giving us more time to enjoy outside.


Although March may be somewhat blustery

In like a lion, out like a lamb

We come out of our hibernation

For whatever activity’s our “jam.”


Gardens reward us with flowers

And the birds begin to appear

We find we have much more energy

For activity this time of the year.


Be sure to re-set the clocks

On March ninth before you go to bed

So when you wake up on Sunday

They’re all set one hour ahead.


If you’re like most people you may miss

Re-setting every clock you own

Like a watch or the one on your dashboard

(They don’t auto-re-set like your phone!)


We think you’ll find it easy to adjust

You won’t miss that hour of sleep

Since the “extra hour” of daylight

Is the reward we all love to reap.


Get ready to swap out the closets

Warm-weather gear we’ll soon need

Since not long past Daylight Saving

Winter weather quickly recedes.


Watch for the blooms in the courtyard

And the buds as they fill all the trees

You’ll have plenty of time to celebrate

At Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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