Active Adults Wonder: What’s In a Name?

Posted: March, 4, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized


Names are important, so much so that we’re encouraged to recognize the strength and meanings of our names in “Celebrate Your Name Week,” the first full week of March.

The observance began in 1997, after onomatology* hobbyist Jerry Hill encouraged people worldwide to learn more about – and celebrate – their names. At the time, Hill conducted research about others who shared his name, and was intrigued by what he learned about his name doppelgangers.

[*Onomatology is the study of the origin, history, and use of names.]

Since names are significant, there’s a reason so much time and effort goes into the names of every street, every community – even each home design – at Windsong.

The community name is often derived from the history of the area in which it is located. If the property was once a farm or a park, or was part of a family homestead, the community name is often an homage to that family. If it is located near a landmark, such as a creek or pond, that landmark may inspire the name.

Street names within each community might draw attention to a type of plant or wildlife that is native to that area. (This is why so many towns have a Maple Street or Hummingbird Lane.) Some of ours include Clover Creek Way, and Hickory Branch.

As for home designs, Hadley is a field of heather, Ashton is an ash (tree) grove, while Bailey is actually an enclosed courtyard attached to a castle.

Speaking of names, Windsong is associated with the music you hear when a breeze moves against wind chimes, which is the symbol of our company. And wind chimes, which create that lovely wind-song, evoke peaceful thoughts, feelings, and energy, and are associated with optimism and calm, as do our homes, community, and home-buyer experience.

This week, with the weather giving us glimpses of Spring, we take the time to celebrate the beauty of designing, building, and living in homes, where so much thought goes into every aspect of everyday living and enjoyment.

Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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