An Active Adult Literary Tribute
Posted: December, 5, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized
What if the world’s most famous detective were seeking a home in which he could stay up late into the night and wake up very late in the mornings, play his violin, enjoy his pipe, have a home office where he could scatter his papers and chemical equipment, research the latest findings and hang his famous deerstalker hat? What kind of home would someone with his unique habits require?
A owner’s suite geared toward comfort and convenience is a must, with a luxurious owner’s bath complete with walk-in shower (and a built-in seat for deep thought under the spray!), spacious walk-in closet perfect for a wide array of attire, and space beneath the windows to create a reading nook.
In the great room, the fireplace allows for a hearth rug where the host’s dutiful assistant may stand, pondering a case or warming his feet, while our virtuoso strikes his bow over the strings of his beloved violin.
Our host never misses a moment, as the great room is open to the elegantly appointed kitchen and dining area, where our hero is known to take his tea and pore over the morning paper.
Just steps away lies the private courtyard, where our host and hostess entertain guests, and he puffs his pipe as he ponders his most recent clues. Overnight guests enjoy privacy in a comfortable bedroom with guest bath.
And the diligent detective conducts research in his private study, where he can scatter papers to his heart’s content, pursue hobbies, or simply display collections of whatever suits his fancy.
The lady of the house would be most at home with ample light, plenty of storage space, an inviting front porch where she can greet the neighbors, and wide sidewalks to stroll with friends and neighbors, or plan the latest gathering at the community clubhouse.
Have you deduced which homes appeal to the most discriminating tastes? The answer is elementary, my dear homebuyer: a luxury ranch-style home in one of Windsong’s most desired communities.
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. And that truth is that Active Adults choose Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective, Sherlock Holmes, debuted the first week of December, in 1887, in A Study in Scarlet).
By Windsong