An April Day for an Active Adult
Posted: April, 26, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized
An April Day for an Active Adult
inspired by An April Day, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
So warm’s the sun that’s finally here
Beckoning birds and flowers and buds to trees
At long last we’ve emerged from rain and drear
And are flocking to fill carts at garden nurseries.
Oh, we love this season well
When days invite us to stroll on sidewalks
Introduce ourselves to folks who near us dwell
And relax in the courtyard while we talk.
From the earth our gardens sprout
Filling us with joy over last year’s labors
It’s not just our own gardens drawing us out
But also those of our green-thumbed neighbors.
Our bird feeders draw feathered flocks
Flitting, chirping, enjoying treats we provide
We laugh as we gather at the community mailbox
With our friends, it is here where dinner plans we decide.
When the bright sunset fills
The sky over the rooftops, we relax with a sigh
As the view reaches our patio and the night air chills
And we watch as the stars begin to fill the sky.
And when the evening is born
We venture inside for a meal, then to bed
Elegantly designed rooms comfort us till the morn
When once again to the outdoors we are led.
Our homes were designed for all seasons
Accommodating our style, with room to host guests
And we find that we gather – we don’t need a reason
At our home or at a neighbor’s comfortable nest.
Sweet April comes to remind us
Through the many sunny days such as these
That the carefree lifestyle is what drew us
To Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!
By Windsong