Appreciating Active Adults as Caregivers

Posted: November, 16, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized


Planning our “next chapter” includes dreaming about a lot of things, including pursuing a hobby, traveling, making new friends (and connecting with old ones), moving into a dream home in a friendly community, taking classes, and more. But many of us find ourselves taking on a role we never expected: that of caregiver for a loved one.

More than 65 million Americans provide regular care for a loved one, and nearly half of those caregivers are over the age of 50.

Regardless of age, family caregivers are prone to physical, emotional, and financial hardships. Until recently, family caregivers have suffered in silence, but awareness has increased as their numbers have grown. Support communities for caregivers offer resource opportunities and tips to significantly reduce the anxiety and depression among this population.


According to, family caregivers should:

  • seek support by reaching out to other caregivers in their community
  • maintain their own health, including regular healthcare and adequate sleep/rest
  • accept offers of help, or solicit help from other family members, to avoid burnout
  • communicate effectively with their loved one’s medical practitioners
  • take breaks whenever they can. If a vacation is not possible, take a walk, call a friend, read a book, or engage in a similar self-care activity
  • seek help as soon as possible for depression, anxiety, or related issues
  • use the latest technology – such as tele-med options – to take advantage of top-notch care
  • keep their loved one’s medical information organized and up-to-date. Include the names, addresses, and contact information for physicians and specialists, insurance information, and medications, as well as driver’s license/official identification, etc.
  • keep a file of legal documents, including medical proxy forms, living wills, etc.
  • recognize that they are providing a valuable service to their loved one


Serving as a caregiver is easier if you are part of a community where you have neighbors and friends with whom you share similar life-stage experiences.

At Windsong, we create homes with luxurious owner retreats, as well as guest rooms and flexible spaces where everyone can enjoy their own space, while living under the same roof.

Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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