Baby Boomer Generation Marked by “Single Greatest Technological Achievement”

Posted: July, 17, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized


Every generation has its “standout moment,” a significant event that everyone in that generation remembers and claims. Sunday, July 20, 1969 was that event for the Baby Boomer generation, as Boomers – then ages 8 through 23 – gathered around television sets and watched as Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong became the first humans to land on the surface of the moon.

Aldrin was the Lunar Module Navigator, and Armstrong stepped out of the module, leaving his footprints and an American flag on the moon, with the words, “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” echoing through the static of 238,900 miles of space between the moon’s surface and Earth.

Touted as “the single greatest technological achievement of all time,” the Apollo 11 mission took place 50 years ago this Saturday, and commemorative celebrations and educational events are planned all over the country.

At the National Air & Space Museum, part of the Smithsonian Institute, in Washington, D.C., a four-day Apollo 50 Festival is taking place, which will include a display of Neil Armstrong’s space suit (for the first time in 13 years) in a brand-new protective case, funded by a Kickstarter campaign; a preview of the new moon exhibit (scheduled to open in its entirety in 2022), which includes a “moon window” and a sliver of rock donated by NASA astronauts on the fifth anniversary of the Lunar Landing, in 1974; as well as a host of guests from NASA, the International Space Station, and more.

One of the special features includes MythBusters host Adam Savage, who is assembling a full-scale replica of the crew hatch from Apollo 11, in front of a public audience at the Smithsonian.

Locally, the Bentley Planetarium at the Tellus Museum in Cartersville, is hosting a celebration of its own, with its “Reaching for the Moon” event, from 10 am – 4 pm on Saturday, July 20.

The exhibit includes several showings of the documentary, “The Day We Walked on the Moon,” as well as a lecture from NASA Ambassador Chris Thompson. The museum also will host hands-on activities throughout the day. For more information, visit

While it is unlikely that any of our generation will travel outside the Earth’s atmosphere, Windsong homeowners report being “over the moon” about the modern features included in their homes and communities, such as windows that allow for natural light while limiting heat/cold transfer, appliances that maximize efficiency, and low-maintenance materials that allow for peace of mind.

Windsong doesn’t need a rocket to make history; we’re proud to offer luxury ranch-style homes that enable our homeowners to live a life of creativity and comfort.

Welcome to Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!


Photo Credit: NASA

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