Boomers and Birds – A Perennial Pairing

Posted: February, 10, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized


February is National Bird-Feeding Month, which makes sense, as several varieties of migrating birds begin their annual trek as soon as trees and shrubs begin setting buds.

If you’ve had bird feeders out all winter, you will have noticed the non-migrating birds, like blue jays, woodpeckers, and the like, have enjoyed the feast. But they’ll soon have to share as robins, tanagers, grosbeaks, thrushes, and orioles start on their journeys to northern climes.

It’s a good idea to clean your feeders and shop for the types of feeders and seeds preferred by both migrating and all-season birds.

Try these tips from birding experts for a satisfying backyard birding experience:

  • Set out tube feeders which attract a variety of birds, and are particular favorites of finches, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, cardinals, red-bellied woodpeckers, and siskins, to name a few. Plus, larger “bully” birds (blue jays, starlings, and blackbirds) find it nearly impossible to eat from them, leaving the seeds for the smaller birds.
  • “Cage” feeders and suet feeders attract nuthatches, finches, woodpeckers, and chickadees, and deter squirrels. (Nothing is completely “squirrel-proof,” as those are determined critters!)
  • Seed preferences vary among birds, and some varieties are better suited for certain feeders, as well.
  • Try thistle feed to attract lots of birds, and deter squirrels, who dislike thistle.
  • Black-oil sunflower is commonly called the “pizza-party” of bird seed, as most birds not only eat it, but are obsessed with it.
  • Safflower seed and peanuts also attract a variety of birds.
  • Suet cakes are best used with cage-type feeders designed specifically for suet. Birds don’t just enjoy it, suet keeps them warm during cold snaps, and provides energy for their migration journeys.
  • Consider a bird bath to provide both drinking “bathing” opportunities for your backyard birds. Be sure to replace the water every few days, and clean it thoroughly at least once a month.
  • Movement features, such as spinners, wind chimes, fountains, etc., attract birds to your yard.
  • Consider bird-friendly plants when planning your garden beds: berry-producing shrubs; seed rich plants such as sunflower, marigold, and echinacea; and later in the season, impatiens, lantana, daylilies, and bee balm will keep the hummingbirds flocking to your yard.
  • Place feeders in protected areas, such as corners of the garden, under arbors, or among shrubs, to provide a sense of safety for your birds.


At Windsong, private courtyards and covered porches provide the perfect environments for feeders, birdhouses, and more, and create peaceful retreat spaces for homeowners to discover why birdwatching is such a popular pastime!

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By Windsong

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