Boomers and the “Boundless Universe”

Posted: March, 16, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized

On Wednesday, March 14, 2018, the world lost renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking, who defied the odds and survived more than 50 years after being diagnosed with ALS (“Lou Gehrig’s Disease). Throughout his lifetime, he researched and presented theories that have changed the way we think about our world and the universe, and his personal life taught us not to believe in “limits.”

Among Professor Hawking’s most well-known theories is that of a “Boundless Universe,” which suggests that a surface that has no corners and no sides (a sphere, like Earth), does not have a defined end, and can therefore be considered boundless.

In honor of his life’s work, and the Boundless Universe theory in particular, we would like to suggest a theory of a Boundless Boomer, or experiencing life to its fullest at a time when “limits” are the perceived norm.


The Boundless Boomer

Increased Brain Power - Medical and scientific research has revealed much about the causes of mental decline, dementia, and diseases of the brain. While no definitive cure has been found, we are aware of choices and habits that can inhibit these diseases. Among these are maintaining an active social life, developing an active physical fitness regimen, and continuing to learn new skills.

Improved Social Life - Volunteering, learning or maintaining a hobby or sport, travel, seeking out classes and attending lectures, and joining a senior center or other social group, all provide regular contact with individuals who share your interests and who encourage you to enjoy life.

Limitless Learning - The local universities offer classes and workshops specifically targeted to Active Adults (photography, investments, computer classes, writing, art, yoga, genealogy, and more), where you can flex your “brain muscles” as you learn a new concept or skill. Also check out other venues in the community, such as book stores, art shops, libraries, museums, theatre groups, etc., where classes are offered to the general public, providing a multi-generational learning experience.

Age of Happiness - Active Adults are among the happiest members of our society. Retirees cite travel opportunities, options about living arrangements, and time to pursue interests and engage with family and friends, as reasons for their happiness.


At Windsong, our goal is to present a Boundless Universe of opportunities to socialize, stay active, and learn, with each community we build. Walkable streets, convenient locations, community clubhouses and gathering spaces, designs that encourage get-togethers with family and friends, and more, are just some of the reasons Windsong homeowners report increased satisfaction, happiness and peace of mind in their homes.

Welcome to Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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