Boomers’ Bonds with College-Age Grandchildren

Posted: August, 24, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized


Maybe you chose your current home to be closer to adult children and young grandchildren; or maybe you’ve always lived close by. But grandchildren grow faster than you can blink an eye. The kids who spent the night and built pillow forts in your family room are now moving into their college dorms or apartments. 

The good news is, you can still remain close. Bonds you built when they were small often grow stronger when the grandchildren go off to college. Respecting boundaries and allowing grandchildren to adapt to their new situation are important to establishing a new relationship with them as adults. 

A few guidelines will help you adjust more easily to your role as grandparent of college-age grandchildren: 

Respect Boundaries 

College life comes with a whole new set of responsibilities and challenges. Acknowledge your grandchild’s need to schedule class time and develop workable study habits, manage a job, and adapt to a new social structure. Express your desire to continue to be a part of their lives, but respect their adjustment period. 

Social Media 

You’ve been friends with your grandchild on Facebook, but be careful about following their every move on social media once they live on campus. Remember that joining a conversation online would be like having Grandma or Grandpa attend a frat party – it’s just not “cool.” 

Stay in Touch 

Find out from your grandchild how they would like to hear from you. Since texting is a preferred method of communication among a majority of students, it might be time to limber up the thumbs and learn the proper use of emojis. 

Send A Little Love 

Care packages were popular when you were in school, and they haven’t lost their luster. Imagine how special your grandchild would feel to receive cookies and a handwritten note from you. Other popular items: socks, coffee, and items that can be prepared in the microwave.  

Students who have strong family relationships – especially with parents and grandparents – feel more secure, and often have an easier time transitioning to college life. And for college students who have grandparents who live in a Windsong community, there’s always a comfortable guest room where they can stay for a long weekend. 

Welcome to Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze! 

By Windsong

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