Boomers Celebrate Abundance with Hobbies & Interests in “Self-tember”

Posted: September, 17, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized


Contrary to popular belief, “abundance” has less to do with how much money is in your bank account than with the amount of joy present in each day. Many people discover feelings of abundance in simple, everyday pleasures that are often taken for granted.


Pursuing Hobbies and Interests

A hobby need not be something that requires special training; its only requirement is that it is something that you enjoy – for your own pleasure, rather than to impress someone else. If you love to play golf or tennis, if volunteering for a charitable cause makes you smile, or if you like to create sculptures out of “upcycled” materials, as long as it brings you joy – go for it!


Keys to Hobbies Often Found in Past

If you aren’t sure what types of hobbies might bring you the most satisfaction, try to remember activities in which you were involved when you were a child, teenager, or young adult, before the pressures of career, kids, and paying the bills re-set your priorities. Look for clues in old photographs, diaries or journals, even memorabilia such as ribbons or trophies, art that you created, or collections you started at an early age.


Give Yourself Time

It’s difficult to pursue a hobby unless you allot time for it. If you keep appointments and commitments on a calendar, be sure to create space in your schedule for your hobby. Pencil in a date with yourself to try that new restaurant, or to see the movie you’ve heard great things about. If reading for pleasure has fallen by the wayside, schedule quiet time to read. A balanced schedule will include the things you must do, as well as those that help you feel happy and relaxed.


Create an Abundant Home

Having a space set aside to pursue your hobby or interest is as important as allotting the time for it. Find an area in your home or community which is comfortable and convenient, and designate that area as yours to pursue this particular hobby. An overstuffed chair with ample light makes a great reading nook; a craft table in your home office serves as the perfect location for making jewelry or completing puzzles – and you don’t have to worry about putting everything away when you’re through!


Windsong Homes Built for Abundant Living

Whether you enjoy gardening or cooking, book club or walking through the neighborhood, decorating your home for the seasons or completing woodworking projects in the garage, each Windsong home and community is created with your abundant lifestyle in mind. Private courtyards and spacious kitchens, gathering areas in your home or at the clubhouse, wide sidewalks winding through the neighborhood, ample storage for seasonal items, and an oversized garage for both cars and projects, are part of what makes Windsong homeowners so happy in their homes.

Abundance is a feeling, not a number, at Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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