Boomers Enjoy Their Best Days
Posted: January, 18, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized
What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet!
~Anne Frank
Retirement is a strange word.
Traditionally, it means “to withdraw to or from some place,” as in, “I retired to my room to read,” or its most mainstream definition, leaving a job after reaching a milestone.
With our health and lifestyles being what they are, retirement from one’s job opens up a whole new catalog of opportunities, new adventures, our best days!
Do you have a plan for the best days ahead?
January is a good time to rearrange your thoughts and actions, and put into motion some of the things that will make your life better in 2022:
Clearing the Clutter
The crazy weather this month (snow, anyone?), it’s a perfect time to go through closets and clear out those things you haven’t worn or used since you can’t remember when. (If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you might tackle the attic or basement – one section or box at a time, so you don’t become overwhelmed.)
Finish Projects
Is your dining room table home to boxes of holiday decorations? Have you bought paint to update the guest bathroom or study, but haven’t begun yet? Maybe you started a book before the holidays and it’s still sitting – half-read – on the night stand. Now is the perfect time to finish these things, so you can move on to better ones.
Envision Your Next Chapter
If the idea of sharpening the pruning shears and getting the lawn mower serviced fills you with dread, or you leave the upstairs guest bedroom unmade until someone announces they’re coming for a visit, it might be time to right-size your home, for a lifestyle that is you-centric, not house-centric.
Author Mike Dooley says, “Life’s not about expecting, hoping, and wishing; it’s about doing, being, and becoming!” That means we probably have to figure out what we want to try, then take steps toward doing it.
At Windsong, we’ve been doing house-and-community-building for Active Adults for nearly two decades. Being a top-rated Active Adult builder means we focus on more than just four walls and a roof; our homes and neighborhoods play crucial roles in helping homeowners become the healthier, active, surrounded-by-friends-and-family selves they envision for their best days ahead.
Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!
By Windsong