Boomers Make A Difference

Posted: October, 24, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized


On the fourth Saturday in October each year, millions of Americans participate in Make A Difference Day, a movement which began in 1990 to improve the communities in which we live, work, and play.

While many volunteer projects require connecting with a non-profit organization or community group, Make A Difference Day can be anything you want to do that will make your community a better place to live.

It’s easy to participate, wherever you are:


Public Parks

Trash cans may be available at public playgrounds, outdoor concert venues, walking trails, and other community gathering spaces, but that doesn’t mean all the trash actually winds up in the bins. On your next visit to a park, walking trail, or other public gathering space, bring a pair of gloves and a trash bag, and remove paper, bottles, cans, or other items that don’t belong in the space.


Hands-On Atlanta

One of many non-profit “finder” organizations in the metro Atlanta area, Hands-On Atlanta maintains a list of non-profits and the projects for which they currently need volunteers. These may include removing weeds from a playground, tutoring children, volunteering at a museum, assembling care kits for the homeless, maintaining the checkpoints at a 5k run, or other activities. Best of all, Hands-On Atlanta has a list of “pop-up projects,” perfect for those found moments when you want to do some good in the community.


John Muir, a 19th Century naturalist, known as “Father of the National Parks,” once said, “Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time.” But even Muir would agree that taking trash out of the environment would be a wonderful amendment to his original quote!

At Windsong, lawns and landscapes are maintained as part of the carefree lifestyle, leaving time to pursue activities that enable homeowners to engage in their communities. Make A Difference Day is a perfect time to find a project and make a difference!

Welcome to Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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