Boomers Resolve To Live Happy & Healthy
Posted: January, 2, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized
An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.
~Henry David Thoreau
When the clock struck midnight on January 1, 2018, did you celebrate the New Year, or dread the thought of making resolutions for exercise, weight loss, or other lofty changes to your life?
Having redefined nearly every aspect of their lives, Baby Boomers have the right to make (or not) resolutions that are attainable, achievable, and enjoyable, and which will have a positive impact on their lives today and throughout the year.
Experts suggest that Boomers (and all of us) reject the resolution that’s doomed to fail, choosing instead to make small changes that will bring about long-lasting happiness and health, including:
Enjoy Life
Laugh more, say the experts. In addition to balancing the checkbook and cleaning the house, make sure to invest time in something that brings you enjoyment, like spending time with grandchildren, loved ones, and friends who make you smile.
Get Moving
Exercising tops the list of New Year’s Resolutions, but gym memberships or too-lofty goals often derail even the best intentions before Valentine’s Day. Instead, think about what type of activity you already enjoy. Take the dog for a walk, or walk with a group of friends or neighbors. Go dancing. Take up yoga or swimming.
And keep in mind the benefits of moving at least 30 minutes per day: improved balance, stronger bones, improved blood flow, enhanced mental capacity, and better mood, to name a few!
Eat Well
Eating out is considered a convenience or a luxury. Pre-packaged foods may make meal preparation easier, but added salt, sugar, and preservatives adversely affect your overall health. In addition to lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, and waist size, studies reveal improved mood within just a few short weeks of adding fruits and vegetables to your diet.
Learn Something
With a right-sized home comes a bit more time, thanks to fewer rooms to maintain, less “stuff” to worry about, and outdoor maintenance managed for you. While you may already enjoy bridge, book club, golf, or other activities, learning something new not only keeps your brain sharp, but also introduces new people who share your interest. Try painting or drawing, photography, memoir-writing, stand-up comedy, or other courses offered at adult community centers or the local university.
Having an “accountability partner” often leads to greater success when making changes (or resolutions). Choose a family member or friend who will provide support and encouragement without judgment.
And you don’t even have to make a resolution to “make new friends.” Each Windsong community is filled with neighbors who share similar life-stage experiences, and who make excellent accountability partners!
Happy New Year, and Welcome to Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!
By Windsong