Boomers Take A Trip Down Memory Lane
Posted: December, 14, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized
Do you remember your first trip to the Public Library? That little thrill of having your very own library card, which was the key you could use to unlock the world? As Active Adults, we can feel that same thrill of discovery, whether we visit the physical Public Library, access titles online, or simply conduct a Google search for the topic we wish to learn more about.
During our first foray among the stacks, we may have searched for fiction books, like the Dick and Jane early-readers, or a topic about which we were interested, such as dinosaurs or race cars or baseball. As adults, we may even revisit some of those topics, as what we were interested in then likely still has some appeal to us today. And finding them is easy, thanks to a system invented in 1873, which we still use today.
On December 10, 1851, Melvil Dewey was born in Adams Center, New York, on the banks of Lake Ontario. He studied at Amherst College in Massachusetts, and later became an educator and a Librarian at the college. At the age of 21, he introduced a system for organizing library materials, which became known as The Dewey Decimal System, which is still used around the world today.
Active Adults and the Dewey Decimal System
Regardless of what you are researching, for professional or personal reasons, you use either the Dewey Decimal System, or some iteration of it, to find what you are looking for. Here are some topics you might find – and the Dewey Decimal System code where you might find it:
- Retirement – 306.38, or Quality of Life -360- (Social Sciences & Folklore – 300-399)
- Decorating – 745.4, or Leisure – 790.1 (Arts & Creations – 700-799)
- Gardening – 635, or Diet & Nutrition – 613.2 - (Medicine & Technology – 600-699)
- Vacations – 790.1 (Arts & Creations)
- Pickleball – 025.431, or Books – 002 – (General Knowledge – 000-099)
- Friendship – 177.62 (Philosophy & Psychology – 100-199)
Every topic has a category, and each specific topic is located in a sub-category, so that when you stroll through the stacks, you may find a book that sounds interesting, even if you hadn’t thought about it before!
That’s how easy we want finding your new home to be. You discovered the main category (either Leisure Lifestyle or Right-Sizing Your Home), found Windsong online and read some recommendations from folks who lived there (like meeting someone in the stacks, who is already familiar with the topic). Next, you paid a visit to the Sales Center where you met a Sales Professional – like a librarian, in that she knows where everything is - who listened to you about what your wants and needs were, then steered you to the right book – er, home – that suits your needs to a T.
Just like visiting the Public Library as a child, Windsong makes finding and moving into your new home community fun and exciting. And this time, you have an actual key that unlocks the door to your best life!
Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!
By Windsong