Boomers Wrote the Book on Relaxation

Posted: August, 12, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized


Now, we have to read it!

It’s hot. And then we seem to have a pop-up thunderstorm in the region every night. Welcome to August!

Thankfully, as we wind down the Dog Days of Summer, there’s relief in sight, in the form of the Perseid Meteor Showers (peak viewing is this weekend. If you happen to be awake around 3 a.m., head out to your private courtyard and stare up at the sky. Most years yield about 100 meteor sightings per hour. Of course, this year the peak days (August 13 & 14) coincide with the Full Moon (which also happens to be a Super Moon), so look away from the moon, and you can still enjoy the thrill of seeing dozens of “shooting stars” before dawn.

Watching stars is just one way to prepare for National Relaxation Day (August 15).  And since embracing the Active Adult Lifestyle is sometimes harder than you think it will be, here are some more suggestions:

  • Laugh. Chat with friends, watch a comedy show or movie, or play with a child. Laughing triggers endorphins that help us lighten up and chill out.
  • Eat well. Foods that contain tryptophan include turkey, bananas, oatmeal, milk, and cheese. These foods help you relax, and even sleep better. (It’s also best to avoid caffeine when trying to wind down.)
  • Take a break from electronics. A day without Facebook? A day without phone? This sounds like a Grinch plan! (I just heard you groan.) Take a walk, read a book, tackle a project you’ve been putting off. And if you can’t go the whole day, then avoid screens for an hour before bedtime, and you’ll find your brain will relax more easily into sleep.
  • Listen to music. Turn on the stereo, attend a lunchtime concert in the park, or tap out a tune on the piano. Choose music you enjoy: it doesn’t have to be classical or instrumental; maybe you can bust a move to some vintage Beatles, disco or ‘80s music.

Whether you’re retired or simply looking for a way to unwind between workdays, calling Windsong home is one of the best ways to start on the path to attaining a relaxed vibe. Each room flows with the next, complemented by natural elements visible through a plethora of wide windows, and easy-living features such as a stepless entryway, wide doorways, and plenty of storage to make stress and worry take a back seat to a lifestyle you’ll love.

Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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