Celebrating Signs of Spring

Posted: February, 15, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized


February is not typically a warm month in Georgia, but there certainly have been enough teaser days (like this past Saturday, and the forecast of several days this week) with sunshine and temperatures tipping past 60 degrees, that makes us turn our attentions toward seed catalogs and gardening centers.

While it’s tempting to don the gardening gloves in anticipation, it’s too early to actually plant anything yet. The last frost date for our area is April 3 (Marietta) to April 17 (Cartersville), so right now the ground has not had a chance to warm sufficiently to protect seeds or seedlings when temperatures plummet.

But there are things you can do now to prepare for Spring (the first day of which is Friday, March 19):



Front yards and common areas are maintained for you in your Windsong home, but your porch/patio containers and private courtyard require TLC that only you can provide.

  • If you left your flowerpots outside over the winter, move the remnants of last year’s plants to the compost bin, discard the soil (it can be composted), and scrub the pots thoroughly. Dry them thoroughly, and store in the garage until you are ready to start new plants.
  • Cut back last season’s ornamental grasses, remove spent blooms and foliage from late-season annuals, and deadhead pansies to encourage fresh blooms in early spring.
  • Clear out debris (leaves, spent stalks) from both annual and perennial beds.



Once the beds have been raked and the flowerpots cleaned, the fun begins!

  • Plan your garden and container displays.
  • Shop online or through seed catalogs to find the flowers, vegetables, etc., that suit your plan.
  • Check all containers for wear (discard any with cracks or other damage).
  • Have your soil tested for pH levels (info here) and amend as necessary.
  • If you already have seeds (purchased, or harvested from last year’s plants), sort through to ensure you have the varieties and quantities you need to fulfill your garden vision.



  • Join a local gardening group or informational forum – either live or online. (Georgia Gardener - is maintained by Walter Reeves).
  • Attend workshops for gardeners. Check with your local library (many of which host Master Gardener groups), or at local gardening centers, such as Autumn Hill Nursery in Woodstock.
  • Enjoy gardening how-tos on YouTube. (Check out Floret Farms https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL9cgFOzNl37GeDulbEGICA).



It’s so tempting to purchase specimen plants that arrive as soon as the hours of daylight get a little longer. The garden departments in many big-box and home improvement stores often have displays out before the last frost date. These plants look so tantalizing because they were started in a greenhouse, and are not ready for outside temperatures just yet.

The best things in life take time and patience. And that patience pays off in spades – and blooms! - every year when you drive through your Windsong community and enjoy the splashes of color brought to life on front porches and in private courtyards.

Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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