Challenges of Boomer-Caregivers

Posted: March, 1, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized


More than 65 million Americans are caregivers, according to a 2017 article in Forbes magazine, with nearly 1 in 10 caregivers over the age of 75. Many of these individuals are managing the care of a parent whose health or independence has deteriorated, in addition to managing a career, relationship, and children of their own.

Caregivers Appreciation Day (March 3) recognizes the tremendous contributions of caregivers, as well as sharing information to help others understand the responsibilities they shoulder, and tips to ensure caregivers are maintaining their own health and wellness.


Caregiver Responsibilities

  • Caregivers often must choose between work and their family member, which means taking a sick or vacation days, or unpaid time, when their family member needs them. Caregivers forfeit an average of $300k, from unpaid leave, early retirement, or quitting the workforce entirely.
  • With shorter hospital stays and improved technology for home care, caregivers bear the burden of providing medical care (such as inserting catheters and giving injections) with little preparation.
  • Discussion about and arrangement for power of attorney, healthcare options, financial arrangements, and hospice, falls upon the caregiver, who often lacks information and resources to address these concerns.

Information for Caregivers

  • provides personalized options for medical and financial services, after the patient or caregiver submits a form to the organization. Options include Social Security and supplemental income (SSI), VA medical services for military veterans, and more.
  • Area Agency on Aging is a program mandated by the Federal Government, which offers information about local services for elderly or medically dependent senior adults.

Caregiver Well-Being

  • Watch for signs of burnout, which includes increased risk of illness, increased stress (irritability, trouble sleeping, etc.), and substance abuse. Seek assistance, if necessary.
  • Ask questions and seek assistance from local resources to minimize the emotional, physical, and financial burdens of being a full-time caregiver.


Because they are designed by Baby Boomers, each Windsong home is created with the unique and changing needs of Boomers in mind. Stepless entry and wide doorways allow for easy access for wheelchairs, walkers, or simply armloads of groceries. Secondary bedrooms with accessible bathrooms provide a space for an elderly parent as well as guests, and are separate from the master suite so caregivers have privacy and a place to relax. And neighborhoods are comprised of homeowners who share similar life-stage experiences – a built-in support network!

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