Healthy, Happy Holidays for Active Adults
Posted: December, 15, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized
Doesn’t it feel like the holidays arrived quickly this year? Maybe it’s because we are able to resume holiday shopping and family gatherings, and seasonal parades and festivals are back.
Whatever the reason, along with the traditions we love sometimes come the feelings of overwhelm and stress, as we try to squeeze entertaining and spending and doing it all into a few short weeks at the end of the year.
Thankfully, mental health experts have great advice to help us celebrate and keep our health and happiness in balance:
- Routinely check on how you are feeling, physically, mentally, and emotionally
- How is your energy level? Are you getting enough rest? Drinking enough water? Eating healthy foods (and being aware of your “holiday treats” intake)?
- If you feel overwhelmed by your shopping/decorating/gathering schedule, where can you pare back?
- Take some time for yourself to rest and recharge.
- Read a book, take a walk, listen to music, take a nap, or snuggle up with the Hallmark Channel and watch a silly movie.
- Adjust your expectations – of yourself and others.
- Evaluate which activities or events are most important to you and do your best to attend or participate.
- Remember that saying “no” to something that doesn’t feel “right” for you is actually saying “yes” to self-care.
- Stick to a budget.
- A significant amount of holiday stress comes from spending more than you intended. Decide what your budget will be, and purchase gifts accordingly.
- Not sure what to give to your grandchild, godchild, niece/nephew – or adult child? Consider a gift certificate to something they would enjoy – a movie, concert, etc. Or make a donation to a charitable cause that is important to them.
- Stick to a schedule or routine.
- Late-night parties and events over the course of several weeks can take a toll on your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Consider saying yes only to one after-hours gathering per week.
- Maintaining your usual schedule in terms of meals, exercise, and rest helps your body fight off illness and depression.
- Stay healthy
- Take your vitamins, go to bed at a reasonable hour, allow yourself to wake up naturally whenever possible, and exercise often, to keep your body functioning at its best.
At Windsong, our homes are designed and built to make both celebrating with family and friends, and finding rest and comfort, easier to achieve. Elegant home designs combine with neighborhoods that take homeowner expectations into account are just part of what has made Windsong a benchmark in Active Adult living.
Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!
By Windsong