Independence Day-Inspired Poems for Active Adults

Posted: July, 3, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized


Listen, O Boomers, and you shall hear 

Of a place to live where all you love is near, 

Where life is a breeze that blows cares away 

And inspiring floor plans make you smile each day 

Three hundred sixty-five days a year… 


* * * 


I hear the Boomers singing, the varied carols I hear; 

Those of doctors and executives, each one singing with voices strong; 

The mechanics and the carpenter, who now enjoy their lives of ease, 

The teachers singing cheerfully, no more commute to endure; 

The consultants and the salespeople, sharing their community, 

The craftsmen and inventors, conversing happily. 

The delicious singing of the parent – now a grandparent – who celebrates spending time 

With the children – and grandchildren – whose lives are separate but nearby. 

Each Boomer sings about the life he or she had before 

That brought them to the place where they leave troubles at the door. 

Whether they care for aging family or find themselves with empty nest, 

They sing of their new lifestyle where they can travel, study, or rest. 

The doctor’s now a painter, the executive a chef; 

The mechanic and the carpenter meet each morning for a walk; 

The teachers have a garden in their private courtyard retreat; 

The consultants and salespeople have never been so healthy or fit; 

A book club has been started by the craftsmen and inventors; 

And they share an elegant clubhouse where they gather for pot luck dinners. 


Windsong homes are for carefree living, for Boomers they’re designed 

With spacious rooms and outdoor spaces, with the active life in mind. 

From every corner and profession, who now seek a life of joy and ease, 

We say “Welcome to Windsong – Where Life’s A Breeze!” 

(Inspired by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride,” and Walt Whitman’s “I Hear America Singing,” from “Leaves of Grass”). 

By Windsong

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