Key to Boomers’ Health & Happiness Lies in Curiosity

Posted: September, 10, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized


Children are born curious; it’s how they learn about the world. But studies show that adulthood, parenting and job responsibilities, anxiety, and more, strain our resources, and we often find we “don’t have time” for curiosity.

In his 2010 book, Curious, author, and researcher at The Well-Being Lab, Todd Kashdan, asked, “What is essential to creating a fulfilling life?” Extensive research into this question revealed that Being Curious is an essential element to attaining what we seek: health (cognitive and physical), life satisfaction, and happiness.

A 2018 study seconded Kashdan’s hypothesis, revealing a link between being curious and the ability to maintain memory, manage anxiety and uncertainty, and maintaining overall health.

How does one develop this quality that came so naturally to us when we were children? Embracing your childlike self is a start. And if you aren’t sure how to do that, spend some time with little kids, whose natural inclination is to slow down to watch the clouds, smell a flower, observe a butterfly, or listen to the breeze.

Being curious forces us to be present, in the moment, which slows down our breathing, our heart rate, and our thoughts (those very things that cause anxiety and bury our natural curiosity in the first place).

Children are curious and take risks because that is how they learn about the world around them. And just because we’ve lived in the world for a number of years, held a job, raised a family, and accomplished things that were important to us, doesn’t mean we can stop learning, stop being curious. In fact, the opposite is true!

Curiosity helps us manage risks, “get outside our comfort zones”, and do something unexpected or exciting – like buying a new home in a neighborhood geared toward a carefree lifestyle!

Every Windsong home and community is created to encourage curiosity, learning, expanding our horizons. “What if…?” is a popular question among many homeowners: What if we took time to plant a courtyard garden? What if we met new people, joined a bridge club, participated in a book club, took up golf or cycling or power-walking? What if we adopt a dog? What if we took a class on genealogy or watercolor painting or how to speak Sign Language? What if we took a chance to change our lives for the better?

Windsong gives you the opportunity to improve your life, health, and happiness, providing time to What if… to your heart’s content!

Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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