There IS a Cure for the January Blues

Posted: January, 25, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized


It was 1958 when singer-songwriter Eddie Cochran released a song he wrote entitled, “Ain’t No Cure for the Summertime Blues,” about a teenager who was fed up with the demands of his parents, his boss, even his congressman, while the youth was just trying to enjoy his summer.

The song was later performed at Leeds by The Who, in 1970. And in 2009, country singer Alan Jackson recorded it again.

Well, there’s no song about the January blues, but the affliction is one many folks wrestle with as daylight hours are short, weather is cold and unforgiving, and the hubbub and hustle of the holidays are behind us.

While some actually have a diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), many of us simply want to get outside, feel less sleepy, resist the munchies, and enjoy the day without dressing in layers.

Thankfully, there’s plenty to do, to help us forget about the January blues:


  • Sign up for a class at your local arts center or the continuing education department of the local university. With personal enrichment courses including yoga and Tai Chi, genealogy, history, art, computer skills, and more, you’re bound to find something that will suit your fancy. Plus, there are classmates with similar interests – and usually there’s coffee!
  • Join a club (or start one!). Book clubs, game clubs (bridge, chess/checkers, puzzles), travel clubs that feature trips to local museums and other attractions, even lunch clubs exist to connect folks with similar interests. Check with your local Senior Center or Parks Department for suggestions.
  • Jot a few things down each day in a Gratitude Journal. At first, it may feel forced, but listing things for which you are grateful (a cup of coffee, a call from a friend, a cozy pair of socks) becomes a healthy habit.
  • Get outside. Even for a few minutes. Walk to the end of the driveway, to the mailbox, or bundle up and take the dog for a longer walk along the community sidewalks. You’ll notice a patch of blue sky, buds on early blooming shrubs, and how beautiful your community is, regardless of the time of year.


At Windsong, we’ve been helping cure the blues for since 2003, with gorgeous homes created to provide luxury living for your right-sizing adventure, with plenty of storage, outdoor living spaces, and neighbors who become friends.

Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!

By Windsong

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