We Gather Together (Virtually)

Posted: November, 25, 2020|Categories: Poems


A Boomer Poem  (with bonus holiday information & links)


We gather together online for Thanksgiving

A screen shot of family this year we’ll employ,

It’s par for the course in this year we are living

Still turkey and dressing and pie we’ll enjoy.


With abundant gratitude, loved ones we’re joining

But travel is not on the table this time,

A phone call, and heartfelt words we will be sharing

To make this nontraditional day feel sublime.


We know that we all will emerge as triumphant

By following guidelines set by the CDC,

Practicing patience to avoid tribulation,

Ensuring our loved ones are safe and healthy.

(inspired by “We Gather Together,” hymn from 1597)


* * * * *


This past week, Reflexologist and Yoga Instructor Evie Liverman Fleming shared a Sunday livestream that focused on gratitude, in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday this week. She included a definition:

Gratitude (noun) – the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

(You can see Evie’s livestream here: https://www.facebook.com/evie.livermanjohns)

And if you are traveling or hosting a gathering of any size this Thanksgiving, please review the CDC guidelines here:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/holidays/thanksgiving.html


At Windsong, our focus has always been to create luxury homes that suit the current and future needs of Active Adult home buyers, with floor plans and features that reduce maintenance, offer ease of living, and provide opportunities to live among neighbors who become friends.

We hope you enjoy a happy, healthy Thanksgiving!

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