What It Means To Be An Active Adult
Posted: May, 3, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized
As the Baby Boomer generation reached retirement age, active adult became associated with folks in that bracket, but it applies to adults of all ages and stages.
Many of the lifestyle choices we make in our 20s and 30s affect us for the rest of our lives. But even if we’ve been distracted (or physically inactive) as we dedicate lives to careers, developing an active lifestyle wherever you are now can help ensure you maintain health, wellness, and happiness throughout your lifetime.
Experts cite a number of factors that are essential to remaining active throughout our lives. These include:
- Physical Activity that is appropriate for you. Not everyone is going to run a marathon or go mountain climbing. The important factor in achieving and maintaining physical fitness is to find an activity – or combination of activities – that both interests you and challenges you, to keep muscles, heart, lungs, and overall fitness at optimal levels.
- Cognitive Function is maintained through participation in hobbies, learning new things, and meaningful conversations with others.
- Psychological Well-Being is fostered through social interaction, physical activity, and positive life experiences.
- Nutrition affects our mindset as well as our physical bodies. Think about what you are putting into your body as the fuel that allows you to participate in physical exercise and mental focus, as well as to minimize stress.
- Flexibility as we manage life transitions, including a new job, a new home, changes in family dynamics, and retirement.
At Windsong, our mission is to build homes and communities that are part of the larger community – city or town or region – where homeowners feel safe and comfortable, and are motivated to engage in activities and social interactions with neighbors who become friends, so they can remain vital and active at every stage of adulthood!
Welcome to Windsong, Where Life’s A Breeze!
By Windsong