Windsong News

Healthy, Happy Holidays for Active Adults

Posted On: December, 15, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized

Doesn’t it feel like the holidays arrived quickly this year? Maybe it’s because we are able to resume holiday shopping and family gatherings, and seasonal parades and festivals are back.

Whatever the reason, along with the traditions we love sometimes come the feelings of overwhelm and stress, as we try to squeeze entertaining and spending and doing it all into a few short weeks at the end of the year.

Thankfully, mental health experts have great advice to help us celebrate and keep our health and happiness in balance:

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Active Adults Plan for Financial Health

Posted On: December, 8, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized

While celebrating the holiday spirit this year, it’s also important to pay attention to your health – not only the watch-how-many-glasses-of-eggnog type of health, but also your financial health, to ensure your savings, investments, and spending are ready for 2022.

Financial experts advise investors and those who have retired – or who are planning to in the new year – to discuss changes that have occurred and plans you may have, as well as to review your current portfolio for opportunities in which your money can better serve you.

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Active Adults Light Up Their Lives

Posted On: December, 2, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized

If you’re still recovering from the delectable Thanksgiving meal and exhausted just thinking about all the decorating, shopping, cooking (and eating), visiting, partying, and all the other -ings that come with December, perhaps you can take a break, climb in the car with a loved one or friends, and enjoy the deep breaths that come with “oohs” and “aahs” in abundance of a holiday light display.

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Appreciating Active Adults as Caregivers

Posted On: November, 16, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized

Planning our “next chapter” includes dreaming about a lot of things, including pursuing a hobby, traveling, making new friends (and connecting with old ones), moving into a dream home in a friendly community, taking classes, and more. But many of us find ourselves taking on a role we never expected: that of caregiver for a loved one.

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Active Adults Pursue Comfortable Sleep

Posted On: November, 11, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized

Since we “fell back” from Daylight Saving Time on its first Sunday, it makes sense that November  is designated as Sleep Comfort Month.

Sleep experts recommend Six Tips for Better Sleep, that we can put into practice this month:

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Generous Boomers Plan Seasonal Giving

Posted On: November, 4, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized

As soon as the days grow shorter and the temperatures dip lower, the mailbox seems to get fuller… of support requests (and maybe calendars or other small gifts) from any and all charitable causes you may have supported over your lifetime.

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Active Adults “Jam” Against the “Chiller”

Posted On: October, 27, 2021 | Categories: Poems

Active Adults “Jam” Against the “Chiller”

A Halloween Boomer Poem, inspired by “Thriller,” by Michael Jackson


Almost November

Before 7 pm it’s getting dark

The chilly moonlight

You’re under blankets or a heavy sark

You can’t get warm...

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It’s Autumn, and Active Adults Enjoy More Than “Leaf-Peeping”

Posted On: October, 21, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized

Remember those Fall days when the family would pile into the car, drive to the mountains for some apples and pumpkins, and “ooh” and “aah” over the array of colors with which the trees were adorned?

Over the past few years, this Fall tradition has become known as leaf-peeping, and the mountain towns of North Georgia have become magnets for tourists. After the past year and a half, getting out of the house to enjoy Fall is even more fun this year!

If you would prefer to find a fun Fall activity a little closer to home, check out these events that draw Autumn enthusiasts of all ages:

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Active Adults Improve Health Through Awareness

Posted On: October, 20, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized

Although every month throughout the year highlights awareness of certain health, lifestyle, or other important issues, October is Awareness Month, during which education about numerous health issues that affect Active Adults are featured, including breast cancer, healthy lungs, and healthy liver.

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Right-Sizing the Happy Option for Active Adults

Posted On: October, 7, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized

Windsong has been providing right-sizing solutions for Active Adults for 18 years, but our award-winning home designs and communities mean little unless the people who choose to live in them find them comfortable and enjoyable.

Since 2003, our teams have listened to what people want in their next-best home, a home that serves as a dream home after the family home has served its purpose. So, we offer livable homes that meet the needs of homeowners now and in the future, in communities that provide opportunities to relax, pursue interests, stay healthy, and interact and form friendships with people who share similar life-stage experiences.

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Windsong Properties
120 Colony Center Drive, Suite 300
Woodstock, GA 30188


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